Broken Water Heater In Panama City? Call (850) 249-MYPA

If you have a broken water heater in Panama City, below is a list of steps we strongly suggest you take:

  1. Shut off your water to prevent further damage and/or flooding. If you have an urgent need for hot water, boil some on the stove.
  2. Call Noble Public Adjusting Group at (850) 249-MYPA even before you call the plumber. We have immediate access to reputable plumbers in the area. Let us handle calling them.
  3. Collect your home or business insurance policy and have it ready for us to go over with you. We will contact the insurance company on your behalf.
  4. Do not clean up! The mess and damage caused by a broken water heater will be part of your insurance claim. Once a public adjuster from our firm arrives, they will want to take pictures of all damages.
  5. Stay out of the area where the broken water heater is. The longer water stands, the more contaminated it becomes and we want you to stay safe.

A broken water heater is certainly no picnic. Water damage is also the most insidious of enemies. Not handled correctly, water damage can cause greater damage to the walls and underneath the floors by creating hazardous mold growth.

broken water heater panama city

Noble Public Adjusting Group is an active member of the Panama City community. We have a list of trusted plumbers we can call on your behalf. We also have a professional staff of Florida licensed public adjusters. Your adjuster will investigate water/mold damage that may have been caused by your broken water heater. We do the testing and analysis required. With years of experience in the handling of water damage claims and broken water heaters in Panama City and across Florida, it is our job to get you started on the right path toward a repaired or replaced water heater. We can help with the hiring of a cleanup crew and deal with your insurance company. We are famous for getting our clients an average of 747% more than what the insurance company may offer as a settlement!

Call us today at (850) 249-MYPA and take the burden of your broken water heater off your back and put it on ours. By calling Noble first, you will save yourself time, headaches and money. But remember also that if you have already taken steps such as cleaning up, calling a plumber, or calling your insurance company, we can still handle your claim. We can actually handle a water damage claim for a broken water heater at any stage of the process.





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